
Posted by Yew

16 Nov 2008

第二次面试分成三个部分来进行。第一关,自我介绍(但是互相介绍旁边的朋友)。第一关就出丑了,把对方的生日日期念不出来。他是80年出生但我一直说(英语)18, 80, 1880。。。真是难于形容啊!哈哈 最后才把1980念出来,搞得全场人都大笑。第二关要我们走猫步后考官会问一提题目让我们回答,还好一切都很顺利。过了第二关,留下来的人数已经剩下不几。最后一关是午饭后进行,省下来的人数只有六十八个但华人男生只剩下我一个。在还没进行一对一面试前我们被分配成七组。每个组都要带出一个表演,有的表演话剧,唱歌和跳舞。我们那一组就表演歌乙和Cha Cha舞蹈。我就被分配跳舞的哪一个。。。哈哈哈不管三七二十一,就随便的跳。。 哈哈哈很丑
After that the flight attandent manager told us that this job is not so easy. You have to leave all your parents, girl or boy friend behind. No weekend and public holidays. and have to wake up in the early morning or work until midnight. If you are selected you you have to join 2 or 2 1/2 months training and they will pay you RM800 only. After that you are require to sign the contract for 2 years. The basic salary only RM1000 and the allowence is RM500. They will pay you RM20 / hour on plane. Other benefits are RM 1000 for medicien, RM200 for dental and RM14000 for hospitality. But they not provide the accommodation and transportation. You also can get commission upon selling F&B and other items on board. For air asia they wont stop at one destination more than 25 min, so within this 25 min after the plane landing. You have to guide all the passengers get down to the plane, clean the plane and guide the new passengers on board again. After listen to all these... Me and Alicia feel so down and so dissapointed about this job. What we wish and what we see infront of us are totally difference. 休息五分钟,一对一面试就开始了。气氛变得很紧张,但我和爱丽虾就没把它当一回事。就一直和其他人讲个不停。 哈哈哈 等等等等。。。一个接一个的被叫去面试,心想会不会我是最后一个去面试。果然真的没错,我就是那"幸运"的最后一位。这一天的面试拿了我们九个小时多,真得很累很累。不过很开心的是我体验到了不同的人生经验。真的很开心。。。现在心里很烦不懂如何是好,想换工但这份工的薪水还要低过我现在的。真得不懂如何是好,船到桥头自然直。一切顺其自然好了。。。这个礼拜六再接再厉。要加油。。

一对一面试的等待场地 (前面就是串串的模特儿小姐在嘟嘟嘟她的iPhone)
面试完毕,跟新朋友拍张照留念 (他是来自沙巴的Helena)

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